Dog Running
Dog Running
Dog Running

What is Cuddle Buddy of the Month?

Jun 10, 2024

Have you ever wondered what Cuddle Buddy of the Month is? Here at Cuddle Up Pup, we like to give one pup per location each month a special spotlight as well as give the clients a brief explanation of the funny quirks and special qualities of these pups. With all the personalities and pups we see, how could we not want to showcase these cute canines?!

Each month we randomly draw 4 names from our list of clienteles and the staff votes for their personal favorite. The pup with the most votes wins for that month! (Don’t worry, the ones who didn’t win go back in the drawing for next time!) Once a pup has won, we create a Cuddle Crew resume for them which includes things such as our nicknames for them, their favorite activities, things they are good at and more. We create a fun flyer to post on our social media pages as well as to put in our lobbies for everyone to read. We pride ourselves on getting to know your pups and their unique personality. As a bonus, the pup who wins receives a free day of daycare to enjoy! So check out our latest Cuddle Buddy post! Your pup could be the next one to be in the spotlight.

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